
Enjoy the delightful themed games and activities set up by our SPRING Team Elves
Join the introductory harp sessions where children can try the harp and sing along to Christmas carols
RSVP closes Tuesday 3 December, 2013
15 December
Celebrate Christmas in Style
Come on over to SPRING as we gather round to host a Christmas party in dazzling style.
The SPRING Team Elves are stringing together games and activities that’s guaranteed to make the party a very merry one for all.
What will make Christmas@SPRING even more special is that for the first time, children will be treated to a special harp performance by a group of talented young harpists. PLUS – children will be invited to get their hands on the instruments, perform and sing along to all-time Christmas carol favourites such as “Jingle Bells” and “Deck the Hall”.
Harp is widely-regarded as an exquisite instrument that offers vibrant, soothing sounds and is fun for children to learn. It enhances a child’s concentration, facilitates fine motor development, fosters hand-eye coordination, strengthens aural sense and builds self-confidence.
Make sure you don’t miss out on this fabulous celebration and RSVP today. To register, contact our Centre Reception at 3465 5000 or send us an email via enquiry@spring-learning.midas-staging.com with your guest names, children’s ages, and contact number.
DATESunday 15 December, 2013
AGE8 mths to 5 yrs
CAPACITY50 families (1 child, 2 adults per family)
FEEMembers - $300 per family / Non-Members - $400 per family
*Additional child - $50 (limit 1 extra child per family) -
VENUESPRING, 3/F Centre Point, 181-185 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
RSVPCloses Tuesday 3 December, 2013