
What is effective discipline and how to plan/implement consistent, clear, realistic consequences
How to regain control as parent
How to use “attention” to encourage or terminate behavior
4 August, 2013
One-On-One Discipline Workshop with Lora
How much discipline do you exercise as a parent and does it work for you and your children?
Many busy parents struggle with the idea of discipline for their children and want a parenting style that is more democratic than how they were raised. They want to be closer to their children, some parents avoid disciplining them, even adopting the dangerous notion of parent-as-friend.
Consult with Ms Lora Lee, trained psychologist and qualified play therapist about “Effective Discipline” at SPRING on Sunday 4 August 2013. Each session lasts 30 minutes.
Learn how to establish rules and regulations within the home along with fair and consistent discipline. Give your children the best possible start in life, and raise them to become balanced, sensible, loving and independent.
To register, submit an enquiry with your name and contact details. A member of our staff will contact you to process the registration.
About the Expert
Lora Lee M.Sc, M.A., B.A is a qualified child therapist and registered play therapist who provides a range of counselling services for families and St. John Counselling in Hong Kong.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, she spent the majority of her education years overseas obtaining her Masters in Science from the Anna Freud Centre, in conjunction with the University College of London. Lora completed her second Masters from Roehampton University in the UK. Her background in developmental psychology and clinical work as a qualified play therapist enables her to understand how various parenting techniques impact children’s behavior and how the “goodness of fit” between parents and children affects their relationship.
DATESunday, 4 August, 2013
SESSION TIMES9:30am – 10:00am (booked)
10:15am – 10:45am (booked)
11:00am – 11:30am
11:45am – 12:15pm (booked)
2:00pm – 02:30pm (booked)
2:45pm – 03:15pm (booked)
3:30pm – 04:00pm (booked)
4:15pm – 04:45pm (booked)
5:00pm – 05:30pm -
3/F, Centre Point
181-185 Gloucester Road
Wanchai -
FEEMembers - $300
Non-Members - $400 (registration is confirmed after receipt of payment) -
CAPACITYup to 2 adults per session