
SPRING Xmas Party 2019 – Animals in the Snow
Come Party with SPRING Animals in the Snow on December 15th!
You will find food, drinks, fun and games, Spongy Christmas Tree making sessions and much much more. Now all we need is you!
To RSVP for the event, please click HERE to register and can make payment with a credit card. Just login with your register mobile number and password is your child’s member ID. If you don’t know the ID number you can simply click the “Forget Password?” button and it will let you reset it.
Call our Reception at 3465 5000 or send us an email via registration@spring-learning.midas-staging.com if you have any questions. Registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis only, so be super quick!
DATESunday 15th December 2019
TIME9.30am to 12.00pm
FEEMember $580
Non-member $630*Includes 2 adults and 1 child. Additional person $150 each.