

  • Playing With Food (CK1) - 18-24mths - 60 mins
    • develop language, motor and cognitive development through cooking, food related play  and activities
    • expose children to variety of fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods and their  origins
    • use recipes that are low in salt and sugars with natural and organic produce and  ingredients used when available
    • deliver a sensory journey where children can touch, see, taste and smell different kinds  of food
  • Learning With Food (CK2&3) - 2-3yrs & 3-4.5yrs - 60 mins
    • introduce food and nutritional awareness along with basic cooking skills and kitchen  safety
    • facilitate fine motor skill development through various food preparation techniques
    • develop social skills and practicing good manners
    • increasing vocabulary for a variety of foods by encouraging a varied diet
    • incorporate healthier recipes that include the occasional treats every now and then
  • I Can Cook (CK4) - 4.5-6yrs - 75 mins
    • empower children to complete tasks on their own or in groups
    • challenge fine motor skills with recipes that require a range of techniques while building  confidence in the kitchen
    • encourage healthy food choices by cooking delicious and nutritious food
    • highlight concepts related to food such as food science, weights, measurements, food  culture and geography